Friday, October 17, 2008

Why Short Sales Make Sense Even if You Have to File a Bankruptcy

Many bankruptcy attorneys are telling their clients to not do short sales. This may make sense from the attorney's point-of-view, but there are reasons why you might want to consider a short-sale even if you have decided to file bankruptcy:

BUT if you factor in the long term goals of most people, like owning a home, it makes sense to do everything you can to ensure you have a clean credit file. Short sales look better on your credit in the long run, but sometimes people just cant deal with more stress, thats just how it is and they will simply deal with the resulting consequences later when they are in a better state of mind.

It should be noted here, because I'm sure some guy that's been doing short sales, or mortgages or selling Hyundai's for a tenth of the time I have...(I've never sold Hyundai's, just the other stuff) will make some comment about how despite my opinions short sales are still a negative item on your credit.

He would be correct, its just like settling a credit card for less than you owe, it will most likely report on your credit that you did not fully pay the debt. Sometimes we are successful at getting the lender to report it as paid in full, but you shouldn't rely on that as any kind of a certainty...if it happens its a nice bonus, but don't plan on it. So it is BAD, but it IS NOT as bad as a foreclosure nor is it as bad for as long as a foreclosure.

By law, foreclosure stays on your credit for 7 years. Bankruptcy also remains 7 to 10 years depending on what chapter you file under. The major CRA's or Credit Reporting Agencies such as Trans-union, Experian and Equifax do not release to the public how they calculate credit scores, however there are ways out there to simulate how events like bankruptcy and foreclosure factor in to your score, and typically a settled account such as a short sale or a credit card settlement, will affect your credit score negatively for 12 months. After that first year these simulators suggest that the negative impact begins to greatly diminish.


If you want more information on Short Sales & Bank-Owned Properties, visit Understanding Foreclosures Las Vegas.